I'm going to go off on a rant about everything I learned. Please don't laugh because I am a person that knows literally nothing behind comic books and their writers.
ANYWAY! I did not know that everyone who made up these super heroes were Jewish.
I also did not know that the comic book industry had a bad reputation. I guess I shouldn't say 'bad reputation', but people didn't appreciate comic books the way we do now. I thought that people were really into the stories and they became a popular item of society. I know in some instances people read them, like young boys, but compared to today comic books are read and appreciated by all ages it seems.
I also did not know that some of the comic book stories were so active in social matters like WW2 for example.
One of the things that really caught my interest was the discrimination going on in America against the Jews. All's I can say is go figure. I really had no idea. I understand where America is considered primarily 'Christian' but I kind of thought that Americans were used to religious differences considering Jews have been around for awhile in America. But besides religious differences, I wonder if there was anything else that made people act the way they did towards the Jews. I mean, why would Americans find the need to discriminate against Jewish people besides religion? Unless religion is the only answer.
It's a complicated question (the history of anti-Semitism in America), but it was both history and ideas about ethnicity/race. Jews (and some other immigrants) were seen as inferior to Anglo-Saxon immigrants in various ways.