So, there is this picture in Jobnik where Miriam is looking up at the stars and she sees a mix of stars and plans. I immediatly invisioned Abraham looking up at the stars when God promised him his decendents would be as numerous as the stars. The 2 pictures look a like.
I couldn't find any relation to the two stories they seem so oppposite. Miriam is a women soldier and Abraham was a father of religious people. The more I thought about it I think there could still be some similarities. Abraham looked to the stars where God promised him as many decendents as the stars where maybe Miriam was fighting for a land that could be the home to millions of people and their decendents. Maybe this does not make a lot of sense or it's just a dumb thought but I want to believe there is a reason that this picture of Miriam looking up at the stars is so memorable.
I think this is a lovely connection to make, and one that is present in Israli art [Abraham and other patriarchs and prophets marveling at the desert stars]